More Themed Hotel Rooms
Sometimes, hotels can provide excellent inspiration for home. If you remember, we had previously featured an interesting hotel having some bizarre themes. Here is something more for you. These shots are from Fox Hotel, Copenhagen. 21 international artists from the fields of graphic design, urban art and illustration turned Hotel Fox to a piece of art with unique individual themes for its 61 rooms.
Designed by Simone Legno
Designed by Rinzen
Designed by Kinpro
Designed by Neasden Control Center
Designed by Andreas Mindt
Designed by Geneviève Gauckler
Designed by WK Interact
Designed by Viagrafik
Designed by Borris Hopek
Designed by Benjamin Güdel
Bizarre Themed Rooms
The Propeller Island Lodge in Berlin, Germany, is famous for its bizarre themed rooms. The hotel has about 45 rooms each styled with its own set of unique furnishings. Some of them are beautiful, all of them are odd!
These rooms were designed by Lars Stroschen. Take a look at a few of them here:
Orange Room
Upside Down
See anything a bit odd in the room above. Yep, the furnishings are upside down!
By Home-designing
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